Thursday, October 4, 2012

Take One! And... action!

Since it’s conception film has been one of the most brilliant and influential arts of the world. It’s not hard to identify why this is. We all have our favorites in each genre that spark something in us that make us admire them so. We all have those nights or mornings (to catch the matinee) when we want to indulge in the pleasure of watching a film on the big screen.

I have been a fan of films my whole life. I mean who can’t remember their favorite film as a kid? For me, it was Disney’s The Lion King. Oh yes my family has reminded me countless times of my Lion King craze. Seemed I couldn’t get my fill of that film for I would watch it almost everyday. The experience to this day is still the same when I watch it. I still can't help the emotions I feel during Mufasa's tagic end. Nor can I help but laugh at Timon and Pumba's theatrics. And I still find myself humming or singing along to "Hakuna Matata." Watching Disney movies is still a great pastime. And they always seem to come with some sort of moral messages in them too. 

Well enough with the walk down memory lane because then I’ll just get too nostalgic. Today I am old enough to gain a deeper understanding of what meanings films hold. I took an intro to film class my freshman year of college. In that class we looked into many different types of films ranging from the big Hollywood blockbusters to indie films. We also looked at the magic behind the screen. And I have to tell you my appreciation of films grew substantially after taking that class.

Films are beautiful because they hold stories that people can take to heart. We see these films and get an indescribable feeling after. There’s nothing quite like it. You’re sitting in a seat staring at a screen with moving pictures. And yet, with just these pictures, your eyes and mind transport you to another time and place. For those two hours you are completely oblivious to everything. It’s just you and the film.

Within this blog I plan to analyze the art of film. By this I simply mean exploring films of different time periods and looking into the affects these films triggered in society. Not only that but I would also like to convey what these films represent in today’s culture and how they have influenced people’s lives. I basically would like to explore the world of film, not only to inform other people about it, but also to have my readers gain a deeper understanding of why film is one of the greatest arts in the world.

Being a film and literature enthusiast I think it’s pure magic the way a story can be brought to life through a screen.

“I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians.” – Francis Ford Coppola

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